GENERATION '25 Beer club
Join the Stemma Family Beer Club with an annual membership for perks lasting all year long. You'll get discounts every time you visit the taproom, some members-only shwag, and access insider information and fun events.
Generation '25 Benefits:
Two pints per month (may be used for a guest and substituted for flights instead!)
$2 off flagship beers
$1 off all other pints in the taproom
10% discount on all to-go beer, including kegs and Crowler® fills
15% discount on all merchandise
Quarterly 4 pack OR 2 Crowlers® to-go with your choice of Stemma beer
Members Only Specials
Invite Only Social Hours (includes a beer for you and a guest)
1 RTIC 20oz Journey Bottle (available week of Dec 16th)
1 Specialty Member’s Only Hoodie (available by Dec/Jan)
Choose from a Unisex style or Women’s Cut
Collectable Pin (available week of Dec 16th)
Membership will last 1 year. January 1st, 2025 – December 31st, 2025
First option to renew membership for 2026 (at a discount)
$375 per person
Partner Add-On $85
Add a member of your household to your membership to receive beer club pricing/discounts on merch, to-go beer, and pints in the taproom. Does not include merch or additional monthly pints/crowlers, etc.
*Special thru Cyber Monday (12/2)*​
New Members can pick up a 4-pack or 6-pack of choice to take to-go
​Fine Print Best Enjoyed with a Beer in Hand​
You must be at least 21 years old to join the Stemma beer club
Membership will be capped at 150 individuals, or will close by December 31st
Membership is non-transferable
$1 off pints consumed in the taproom will only apply to member’s beer
Flagship pints include Stemma IPA, Ammets IPA, Conditus Lager, First Amber, Pluit Porter, Shelter N'Haze, It's Another Double IPA, and Super Squeeze
A Crowler® is a 32oz can of beer to-go
Membership is valid for 1 year (2024)
Discounts start at time of purchase
Event details are subject to change
Partner add-on benefits includes all discounts, and member specials. It does not include member only merchandise, additional monthly pints or quarterly crowers/4 pack. Additional beer club merchandise can be purchased separately
No shipping
Pints may be substituted for a taster flight, and may be used on guests.
Stemma Brewing reserves, at its sole and unconditional discretion, the right to cancel a membership at any time. We will refund a percentage of unused membership benefits. We hope to never ask a family member to leave.
Member support can be reached at